CCUS Solution

Make informed decisions with our comprehensive insights and coverage of the global CCUS industry


Supportive policies and carbon market dynamics are set to drive an upswing in CCUS project deployments through 2030, especially for hard-to-abate sectors. As the energy transition gathers pace, global CCUS projects are on track to significantly remove CO2 from the atmosphere every year by 2030. Understanding the economics of CCUS projects, the location of ideal storage sites and their impact on short to medium-term demand has never been so critical.

Access an unprecedented coverage of carbon capture, transportation, and storage projects as well as CO2 utilization for both commercial and pilot projects. Explore a global overview of storage licensing and geological storage potential, including geographical proximity to emission sources. 

Conduct extensive analysis of the short-term and long-term CCUS demand under various global decarbonization scenarios.

Our CCUS Solution

Stay up-to-date with a granular and complete bottom-up database for the global CCUS industry with in-depth analysis. Our CCUS solution helps you to identify clusters/hubs with screening tools for point source emissions and CO2 storage as well as analyze the supplier contract database, market share, and technology portfolios. Would you like to learn more about the solution? Register for a free live demo with one of our experts here on the website.

How can this help you

Energy Companies

Understand opportunities and challenges of CCUS with:

  • Suppliers' performance analysis, their track record and cost formation

  • Cost of capture, transport and storage over the lifetime of a project

  • CCUS storage location scorecards


Understand the sectors and regions that will be driving-up demand with:

  • Country-by-country and industry-by-industry CCUS 2030 demand model

  • CCUS storage location scorecards for each storage asset and categorization per region

  • Market share and contract awards


Identify investment potential with analysis on:

  • Current and proposed carbon policies and their impact

  • Gain insights into project costs and service prices throughout the supply chain  

  • Gain overview combining regional unit price changes across service segments  


Carry a full market analysis accounting for:

  • Detailed emission analysis of point source emissions by industrial sectors, power projects, refineries and upstream assets

  • Current, planned and proposed policies and economics

  • Carbon credit market overview


Identify project cost and service prices and calculate cost accounting for: 

  • Market outlook and drivers

  • Carbon pricing schemes

  • Short-term and long-term CCUS demand under various global decarbonization scenarios


Get a deep understanding of:

  • Specific policies by countries and their respective emissions timeline

  • Comparison of projects, owners and developers

  • Decarbonization trends and strategies in specific industries

How we deliver value

Explore a granular and complete bottom-up database for the global CCUS industry with in-depth analysis of:

  • Carbon pricing and other economic incentive mechanisms tracking
  • Current carbon capture, transportation and storage projects
  • CCUS demand forecasting

Additional Feature: 

  • Our CCUS GIS Service offers an interactive and user-friendly map-based interface to help clients perform customized and multi-filter analysis across different segments of the CCUS value chain

Get a timely, fact-based and topical understanding of the CCUS landscape, regional deployment, economics, technology, projects and more:

  • Thematic reports on the entire CCUS value chain along carbon capture, transport and storage
  • Regular commentaries on key issues, projects updates, latest trends and events in the CCUS market

Bespoke consulting engagements delivered by our industry specialists.

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      Navigate the energy transition and make informed decisions with our solutions.

      Our approach

      We combine cutting edge technology with our proprietary approach to deliver unique analysis of the energy space.