


Rystad Talks Energy | February 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm CET


After a year with the record-high energy price in 2022 and the highest prices ever for oil and gas, seeing how quickly the market returned to balance in 2023 clearly demonstrates the dynamics of the energy markets. But what will 2024 bring? As companies position themselves for future success and navigate the ever-evolving energy landscape of tomorrow, factors that impact the market must be evaluated and planned for. From elections to OPEC+ cuts to pauses on non-approved projects, the market quite often facing uncertainty. To tackle these topics, we are excited to invite you to our latest edition in our Rystad Talks Energy series on 22 February. Our experts and industry guests will dive into these topics and more, with a particular focus on the Americas.

Our team5

Jarand Rystad

Jarand Rystad


Per Magnus Nysveen

Per Magnus Nysveen

Head of Analyses

Anne Ekern

Anne Ekern

Marketing Director

Claudio Galimberti

Claudio Galimberti

Chief Economist & Global Director of Market Analysis

Emily McClain

Emily McClain

Vice President, North America Gas & LNG Markets

Our expert guests1

Kenneth B. Medlock III

Kenneth B. Medlock III

Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Rice University's Baker Institute


During the webinar, our presenters and esteemed guests will provide updates on:

- Macro outlooks and geopolitics

- Global oil markets and gas markets updates with a focus on the Americas

- Pause on non-FTA approved US LNG projects

- Long-term gas and LNG scenarios

- The role of OPEC in 2024