NOC/INOC Corporate Strategy Peer benchmarking | Volume 2: Sustainability
In response to market dynamics, several NOCs have announced new investment plans aimed at enhancing production capacity while integrating lower-carbon technologies. To better understand how state-owned companies transform their portfolios, in this NOC/INOC Corporate Strategy Benchmarking whitepaper series, divided into two parts – Volume 1: Oil & Gas and Volume 2: Sustainability – we compare the portfolio performance and strategies of seven NOCs and NOCs with international portfolios (INOCs). We examine these companies' resilience in the oil and gas sector, their decarbonization plans and progress, as well as their business diversification strategies.
This whitepaper is Volume 2: Sustainability, which presents selected topics from our latest NOC/INOC Benchmarking Report. You can also download Volume 1: Oil & Gas here.