


Whitepaper: The global markets for Hydrogen & CCUS

The Hydrogen and CCUS market has received great attention from both public and private sectors, but have the challenges proven to be too big to overcome quickly? In this whitepaper, our experts give an update on: Success stories in Hydrogen & CCUS: Who are the leaders? What are potential showstoppers, and how to tackle them

Read more in this whitepaper special for the Carbon Capture and Technology Expo in Bremen.

We are inviting you to connect with our experts on the ground during the Carbon Capture / Hydrogen Technology Expo 2023 to explore how our solutions can help you to make informed decisions.

Don't miss our expert talks at the conference:

Day 1

Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production track:

1:30pm "Scaling up Hydrogen Projects", Moderation by Lein Mann Bergsmark, Vice President, Head of Hydrogen and CCUS Supply Chain Research 5:15pm Closing remarks

Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage track:

1:55pm "Hard-to-abate sectors and storage", Moderation by Rhiannon Tempke, CCUS Data Analyst

Day 2

E-Fuels & Hydrogen Propulsion track:

9:30am Presentation by Minh K. Le, Head of Hydrogen 9:55am "Future of SAF's", Panel discussion with Minh K. Le, Head of Hydrogen Research