Clean Shipping Solution

Study the availability and cost of future shipping fuels, access fleet data and the adoption of new technology together with the shipyard order book and capabilities to gain a comprehensive insight through a quantitative and fundamental approach to data

New regulations pave the way for faster adoption of low-carbon shipping fuels whitepaper
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Shipping is responsible for up to 90% of world trade, making it essential for intercontinental trade, bulk transport of raw materials, and the import and export of goods. The shipping market is set to thrive as seaborne trade expands on the back of increased economic liberalization and the competitiveness of shipping over rival forms of transport. 

However, with several global organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the EU setting clear targets for carbon emission reduction, new challenges and opportunities arise.

Explore our fundamental energy and shipping data to understand the decarbonization of the maritime industry. Our research and databases will enable you to analyze the market for alternative fuels and understand how fuel availability and costs are evolving. Moreover, you can explore opportunities in emerging shipping segments and stay up to date on the latest policies, regulations and new technologies impacting the shipping sector.  

How can this help you


Stay ahead of the game and make informed decisions about investment and divestment opportunities by gaining insights on:

  • Fuel availability and prices

  • New shipping segments

  • Energy maritime transition

Energy Companies

Understand the opportunities and risks of the market by gaining insights on:

  • Global and local policies and regulations impacting the maritime industry

  • Fleet capacity and freight rates

  • Different market players benchmarks

Make better decisions with Clean Shipping Solution across multiple energy types. Learn how below:

Relevant across energy types

Get access to key data on clean cargo shipping, including current supply and order book for CO2 carriers, as well as long-term demand outlook for CO2 carriers. Get an overview of shipping terminals, capture assets and offshore storage locations.
Understand the role of hydrogen as an alternative fuel for the shipping industry by gaining in-depth insights on hydrogen policies, announced production targets and bilateral agreements and hydrogen production cost breakdown.
How we deliver value

Make informed decisions by having access to our comprehensive database where you can:

  • Build scenarios for the costs of alternative fuel
  • Access real-time fuel consumption and emission data
  • Get an outlook for CO2, ammonia, and other clean cargo carriers 
  • Track fuel adoption curves for different shipping segments

Stay up to date with all aspects of the shipping industry by having access to:  

  • Regular reports on energy transition in the maritime industry 
  • Expert commentaries covering the latest insights and hot topics in the industry  

Bespoke consulting engagements delivered by our industry specialists.

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      Our approach

      We combine cutting edge technology with our proprietary approach to deliver unique analysis of the energy space.