Subsea Solution
Gain subsea market intelligence for production systems, historical and upcoming projects, processing equipment, SURF lines and subsea services market
The subsea market remains heavily focused on a clutch of global hot spots, but the dynamics of the sector within this grouping can still vary considerably from region to region. With subsea production systems (SPS) installed on every continent, subsea activity remains most heavily concentrated on the key markets.
Acquire a detailed understanding of the subsea market, identify key trends and stay on top of upcoming opportunities for subsea equipment, SURF and subsea services. Gain in-depth understanding through our field-by-field database covering subsea structures and components for upstream operators globally.
Analyze the global demand for subsea equipment and services. Understand how the subsea market is affected by different oil price scenarios. Dig down to identify the demand for any given project and the associated breakeven price.
How can this help you
Gain full visibility into the subsea market and awards to:
Understand competitor landscape
Dig down to every single contract, understand specifications and conditions
Analyze the demand for subsea services and equipment field by field
Energy Companies
Analyze the subsea market and peer group performance to:
Understand market drivers, recent offshore discoveries and commodity prices
Identify business development opportunities
Assess the latest contract awards and operator-supplier relationships
Analyze global deal and market volume to:
Assess the subsea manufacturing companies’ latest contract awards
Screen for business opportunities
Understand how the subsea market is affected by different oil price scenarios
Analyze the subsea market to:
Understand global trends
Benchmark peer group performance
Gain visibility into company and field valuation
Acquire a detailed understanding of the subsea market and stay on top of upcoming opportunities with our in-depth analysis
- Get access to field-by-field subsea structures for upstream operators globally and global subsea equipment and installation activity
- Deep dive into active infrastructure, subsea processing, trunklines and HVDC interconnector cables
- Keep track of the subsea market dynamics through global subsea equipment and installation activity, subsea market reports with recent trending topics, recent and upcoming contract awards, commentary highlights, market drivers and segment overviews and deep dives into selected topics
Rystad Energy advisors integrate with client teams to map the most effective route toward their objectives:
- Optimizing corporate strategy
- Analyzing market trends
- Solving transaction challenges
The Rystad Energy Institute provides personalized courses that position individuals and organizations at the forefront of the energy transition.
- Elevate your energy IQ
- Stay ahead of the curve
- Drive career growth
Our approach