BioEnergy Solution

Make informed decisions with our comprehensive insights and coverage of the global bioenergy industry


As the world remains committed to achieving climate goals, biofuels are gaining increasing attention among policymakers, project developers and product consumers from industry and transportation segments. Do we have enough feedstock to scale the supply of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and is there much room for further growth in ethanol and biodiesel consumption? What about the potential for biofuels in the maritime industry and can the European Union deliver on its ambitious biomethane production targets? Will renewable natural gas (RNG) trigger blue hydrogen investment decisions amid its lifecycle greenhouse gas benefits? Our solution equips you with the right toolkit to address all these critical questions.

Explore our comprehensive database of all bioenergy supply projects and develop prompt insights into the maturity and risk assessment of different facilities. Stay on top of the latest biofuel news flow, country policies, corporate deals, partnerships and strategic announcements. Dive deep into capital expenditure, operating expenditure and levelized cost of end-product fundamentals for different end products and processing pathways. Identify critical bottlenecks within the bioenergy supply chain and feedstock sectors and start thinking about ways to mitigate adverse impacts of exponential growth for the sector early in the project development cycle.

BioEnergy Solution

The new BioEnergy Solution offers clients detailed and timely insights into the rapidly growing biofuels space. With daily supply project updates, timely news flow, policy and corporate strategy coverage, the tool enables a deeper understanding of the market trends, corporate strategies and supply chain requirements that shape the future of sustainable fuels and biomethane sectors.

How can this help you

Energy Companies

Gain a competitive advantage with comprehensive coverage of:

  • Asset-level bioenergy supply projects of the different biofuels

  • Competitor landscape

  • Updates on biofuel news, policies, deals and strategic announcements

  • Feedstock analysis


Examine production capacity forecasts by country and biofuel end-product:

  • Latest development of policies and investments in the bioenergy landscape

  • Apparent feedstock demand and supply

  • Levelized cost model

  • Full overview of production plants' ownership structure


Explore bioenergy product developers and suppliers:

  • Competitor landscape

  • Costs of production

  • Feedstock analysis and end-product consumers


Make timely investment decisions by understanding the entire biofuels value chain:

  • Suppliers and developers’ market shares and capabilities

  • Global database of asset-level production for the different biofuels

  • Feedstock analysis


Understand relevant policies and economic incentive mechanisms:

  • Production capacity outlook for the different bioenergy fuels

  • Targets and policies on a country level

  • Technology and production pathway benchmarking


Get a deep understanding of the use of biofuels in the different transportation sectors including aviation, maritime and road transportation:

  • Blending targets and policies on a country level for the use of biofuels in the transport sector

  • Asset-level production capacity supply forecast

  • Technologies and production pathway benchmarking

How we deliver value

Tracks comprehensive market intelligence for:

  • Biofuel asset-level supply for the different bioenergy products
  • Biofuel news, policies, deals and strategic announcements
  • Company, feedstock and production pathway analysis

Stay up to date with the latest insights and analysis on bioenergy on a global and regional scale: 

  • Frequent insights about production capacity in the global market and deep dives into individual regional markets
  • Regularly updated commentaries covering asset-level project details, company analysis and bioenergy supply chain bottlenecks
  • Regular updates on targets, policies, deals and investments in the bioenergy space

Bespoke consulting engagements delivered by our industry specialists.

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      Navigate the energy transition and make informed decisions with our solutions.

      Our approach

      We combine cutting edge technology with our proprietary approach to deliver unique analysis of the energy space.